Three Cross Options On Wood Rosaries

17 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog


When you browse a selection of wood rosaries for sale with the intention of picking out the right one to carry with you daily, one thing that you'll want to focus on is the cross. Rosaries have a cross decoration that dangles below the wooden beads, and you may find that seeing this familiar shape offers a source of comfort. The size of the cross can vary a lot from rosary to rosary. Some have a small, subtle size, while others are larger and more noticeable. You might have a size preference, but you'll also want to think about other details related to the cross's appearance. Here are three popular cross options.

Jesus Figure

You'll find a number of rosaries that feature a figure of Jesus on the cross. There are many different designs to consider, but this figure is often metal and often features intricate details. If you're the type of person who wants to frequently remember the sacrifices of Jesus, this design may be a significant one to you. The addition of this figure will add a little more bulk and weight to the cross, particularly if the figure is large. This may suit those who enjoy having a rosary that is a little heavier. If you like the idea of a Jesus figure but don't want anything metal, look for a cross that has a Jesus figure engraved onto it.


You'll also see crosses on wood rosaries that feature words. There are all sorts of different designs on the market that fit this description, but all of the words have a religious connection. For example, you may find some products in which there's a Bible chapter and verse engraved onto the wood of the cross. Other rosaries have one or more simple words that should cause you to reflect when you look at the cross.


While the above two options can appeal to a lot of people, there are others who prefer the cross to have a plain appearance. If you want your wood rosary to have an understated look, a plain cross will likely suit you best. You'll often see this type of cross on rosaries that simply feature wooden beads, rather than also include metal beads and other decorative elements. To shop for a wood rosary that features one of these three cross styles, visit an online retailer that specializes in rosaries and other religious-themed pieces.

For more information on wood rosaries, contact a professional near you.